I tried writing you a letter yesterday. I’ve been putting it together in my head for a few weeks now. When I reread it this morning, it seemed void of heart – trying to say too much, I ended up saying nothing at all. I put the letter away and turned to a movie I’ve known about for a couple of years, thanks to Catherine and Kevin Cray.
This being my sabbath – a day of rest, contemplation, and delight – I turned off my phone, put on a blanket against this winter chill (snow still lies in feet-high mounds all around the city), and experienced Into Great Silence. I read that the film was “one of the most mesmerizing and poetic chronicles of spirituality ever created, [dissolving] the border between screen and audience with a total immersion into the hush of monastic life.” It has quieted me today – stilled something in my heart for the moment, which makes me more able to think clearly.
This being my sabbath – a day of rest, contemplation, and delight – I turned off my phone, put on a blanket against this winter chill (snow still lies in feet-high mounds all around the city), and experienced Into Great Silence. I read that the film was “one of the most mesmerizing and poetic chronicles of spirituality ever created, [dissolving] the border between screen and audience with a total immersion into the hush of monastic life.” It has quieted me today – stilled something in my heart for the moment, which makes me more able to think clearly.