It has been way too long since I put down some thoughts on my recent experiences. I'm sure you understand I'm reliant upon Faith for my computer use, and this past month she seems distracted with other things...but more from Faith another time. As for ME, yesterday was a spectacular day! We went to
Socrates Sculpture Park where I got to sniff around the East river, meet other dogs, and relax in the grass.
Here's something new! Are you aware that people keep these
as PETS?! I am shocked. When Faith and I walked around the park for the second time, I got a whiff was musky...I wanted at it, and fast. I'm pretty good with smells, and I could tell this was some animal I needed to warn others about.
Then, I got a good look at it when it came out of its little cage and ran across the grass. There was a man and woman who seemed be caring for this animal - they kept picking it up and bringing it back to their spot when it would wander too far. Faith led me back to our picnic blanket, but it didn't stop me. I just had to get everyone's attention and warn them that this menace was only yards away. So, I barked. I'm not much of a barker at the park, but I had to do something. When the barking didn't seem to make enough of an impact, I decided to try a little howl.
I at least got Faith's attention. She has never heard me howl. That is how big of a deal this was to me. Although Faith tried repeatedly to quiet me, I had to keep doing my job -- warning the crowd of the danger of...the FERRET! No one really seemed to care. Eventually, I settled back down in the grass, only occasionally putting my nose in the air and giving a tiny bark. All in all, it was a good day.