Saturday, March 5, 2011

Windy Walk in the Cemetery

It was photo time again today, when Faith took me walking in the biggest cemetery either of us has ever seen.   Faith used to visit the little cemeteries she found in mountain towns in Colorado, finding she could piece together little historical stories by looking at the grave markers, like if an illness swept through a town during a certain period of time, taking the lives of its children or elderly.

I also remember that when we drove from here to North Carolina last year, Faith stopped at a few cemeteries and we walked around.  These cemeteries were small and most often situated in the back yard of Baptist churches right on the main road in town.  Calvary Cemetery is huge.  When you look down at it from the Brooklyn Queens Expressway, it seems to go on for miles.

I had an amazing time getting to explore.  It was weird though, Faith walked me so much before we got to the cemetery I was all out of pee and poop.  When I tried to pee on some lovely grass in front of a big stone with an angel carved into the top of it, I looked pleadingly at Faith thinking, "Nothing's happening, here.  What's going on?"  She told me she had timed it that way, because it could be seen as rude to sprinkle near someone's resting place. I don't know, it seemed pretty natural to me, but with nothing left in my bladder, it was just sniffing and wandering around for me while Faith snapped these:

Oh, yeah!  My favorite thing was that I got to roll around in something I found irresistible.  Faith usually pulls my leash when I do this, but today, she seemed to want to watch what I would do and why I might like the smelly grass I was rolling around in.  Of course, a few minutes ago, she patted me as we sat on the couch in our place, and she looked a bit suspicious of the sap-like substance on my back.  I wonder if she's thinking "bath" as she sniffs at my fur...

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